The Census is Coming April 1, Make Sure to Get Counted!
- Census Day is April 1, 2020, and the U.S. Census Bureau will be counting people from March through July of 2020.
- In March 2020, every household will receive a mailing from the U.S. Census Bureau with instructions on how to fill out the Census form online.
- The Bureau will only visit homes that do not respond to the Census online.
What’s At Stake: An Undercount Will Impact Our Communities
- The Census determines how an estimated $880 billion a year in federal funding is distributed for critical public services and health care programs, like Medicaid, Medicare Part B, TANF, CHIP, and Head Start.
- In California, that’s $115 billion a year, or approximately $2,000 per person per year.
- A failed Census could jeopardize billions in for our communities for the next 10 years.
- An inaccurate Census could also undermine critical data and information our providers and health care sector rely on to keep us, our families, and our communities healthy and safe.
- The Census also affects the number of congressional seats California will get, so an inaccurate count or undercount could directly result in loss of political representation and power.
The Census is Safe and Secure
- By law, your personal information cannot be shared or used against you in anyway, and can only be used for statistical purposes.
- Title 13 of the U.S. Code requires your information to be kept confidential, and guarantees personal information will not be used against respondents in court or by a government agency.
- The S. 1869 Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 keeps your data secure and protected from cybersecurity threats.
It’s easy. Respond Online and Avoid a Home Visit
- For the first time ever, the internet will be the primary response option for filling out the Census. Individuals will be able to respond anytime, anywhere — online from any device or by phone or by mail.
- Filling out the Census form is easy. You will receive a mailing from the U.S. Census Bureau with instructions on how to access and fill out the Census questionnaire online on their website.
- After three mailed requests to complete the census online or by phone, only unresponsive households will receive a paper questionnaire and return instructions on the fourth and subsequent mailings.
- Again, the U.S. Census Bureau will only visit homes that do not respond to the Census online.
It’s our responsibility
- The U.S. Constitution requires that everyone living in the United States – regardless of age, race, and ethnicity, citizens and non-citizens – are counted every ten years.
Get counted. Get counted for our families, our communities.
AltaMed is here to help you get counted!
For more information, or to locate a Census Action Kiosks (CAK) where you can comfortably and securely access information, fill out the 2020 Census and receive assistance, email [email protected] or call My Vote. My Health. at (323) 531-7741.
Our future prosperity and well-being depend upon the quality of the information collected by the Census Bureau about our population and infrastructure.
- Census data guides a wide range of decisions made in the public and private sectors that affect the lives of all Americans.
- The data are used to ensure the effective allocation of billions of dollars in federal, state and local funding.
- Local and state officials rely upon Census data to show where new schools, roads, and other public facilities should be built, just as businesses look to the Census to help them determine where the necessary workforce or consumer base exists to support production and sales facilities.
- Without the Census Bureau having the necessary resources our nation will not be able to capture an accurate and cost-efficient portrait of the Latino community and all communities of color in Census 2020, which means an ineffective allocation of resources and funds.
- The quality of the 2020 Census is already in imminent danger, because the Census Bureau has delayed or canceled a number of planned activities due to uncertainty about its budget. Cost overruns, and ultimately, a less-accurate Census, will follow if the agency is not able to quickly resume preparatory efforts such as in-office address canvassing tests, advertising and community partnership-building.
Why the Election Matters
Our democracy should represent the will and desires of all citizens. Too often the Latino community's voice goes unheard by candidates and elected officials. This means the community's needs are not met.
- AltaMed's ability to care for its community of clients depends upon adequate funding for health care coming from local, state and national officials.
- The demand for quality education will only be heard if everyone who can vote does vote.
- The fair treatment of immigrants and asylum seekers requires the election of lawmakers who see them as human beings.
- Pollution must be addressed to make our communities healthy places to live. Demanding accountability from polluters is critical to our community's health.